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Esmegu announced that killings, deaths, mass arrests and displacement of innocent citizens are taking place in the Amara region.

Ethiopia court

The Ethiopian Human Rights Council (Esmegu) has announced that killings, deaths, mass arrests, and displacement of innocent citizens are taking place in different areas of the Amhara region. He urged the government and all concerned parties to pay sufficient attention to the tensions in the Amhara region.

In the statement: He recalled that the government has set a direction to build a strong centralized army to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity in Ethiopia.

According to this, Isemegu reminded that it has been stated that different states have included their special forces members in the defense, federal police, and state police members according to their choice; The Amhara National Regional Government has stated that various demonstrations, road closures, transport disruptions, and even deaths have been observed in various zones, districts, and kebeles of the special force members of the region following the reorganization of the government.

As a result, the government has failed to adequately explain the importance of a centralized national security force to the community so that there can be peace and stability in the area, and the parties directly concerned with this issue have not played their part in a peaceful solution by presenting their ideas in a peaceful manner. Isegu said that he was able to understand from the information and evidence he collected from the areas that the situation is changing and killing, maiming, and mass arrests and displacements are taking place against the government security forces and innocent citizens.

Ismegu stated that there were protests in various areas due to disputes in the region. In connection with these protests, according to the information collected from the areas, 1 woman and 3 men were killed and 9 men were injured in Marawi City of the West Gojam zone on April 02/2015. He stated that 1 man and 1 woman were seriously injured in the shooting at the people who came out.

Also, that government security forces are conducting house-to-house searches in Debre Markos, Deseand Bahir Dar cities, and other cities, and that illegal arrests are being made in these cities; Ismegu announced that he was able to understand that a large number of people are being arrested for coordinating demonstrations in Dangla, Debremarkos, Mota, Sekala, Bichna, Dejen, Hayek and Kombolcha cities and are not being brought to court.

In connection with the disputes in the region, a teacher and four other people who were the chairman of the All Ethiopia Unity Organization party in Haik City, South Wolo Zone, Tehuledere District, have been detained at Haik City Police Station since 21/08/2015.

He also announced in his statement that he was able to understand from the information he collected from the areas that residents are under threat due to the fact that the weapons of the government security forces and various armed groups are being fired in different areas of the region.

In addition, Ismegu expressed concern that five people, including himself, were killed in an attack by militants on Menz Gwasa, when the head of the Amhara Regional Prosperity Party office, Girma Yeshitla, was returning from Medan Meda to Debre Berhan.

The Ethiopian Human Rights Council (Esmegu) expressed its belief that when there are differences of opinion and political thought, anybody should express their ideas in a peaceful and democratic way; In his statement, he referred to the related legal rights and obligations stipulated in the international human rights, the African Charter and the constitution of the EDF.

According to this, “The government is paying due and sufficient attention to the tensions that are arising following the reorganization of the special forces members of the Amhara National Regional Government, which is part of the reorganization of the regional special forces, which is being carried out under the direction of the government. He called on the government to follow a path that can bring lasting peace based on discussion with everyone and to understand the seriousness of the issue and to pay enough attention to it as it may cause large-scale damage to the innocent if no immediate and permanent solution is given.

Following the tension created in connection with the reorganization of the Special Forces in the Amhara region, he urged that proper precautions should be taken to prevent the killing and bodily injury by using force in a disproportionate manner.

In addition, Isemu asked the government to hold accountable those who commit various human rights violations against people by using disproportionate and unnecessary force. Isemegu asked the government to make an activity centered on all stakeholders so that the reorganization of the Special Forces members in the area can be done in a peaceful manner. He called on the government to end the illegal mass arrests in the area and to release people who are being held extrajudicially.

In its statement, the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (Esmegu) has called on the media, community activists, elders, religious leaders, and political party leaders to play their constructive role so that the high tension and instability in the region can be resolved and the society can breathe a peaceful atmosphere.

Esemegu urged the Amhara regional government and the federal government to shoulder their responsibility of maintaining peace and tranquility so that this tension does not escalate and get out of control. Amhara Regional Prosperity Party office head, Girma Yeshitla, and four other people have asked the government to carry out a proper investigation and hold them accountable by law.

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