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Muslims who are in prison will be released.

Muslim Jemma

An agreement has been reached on the manner in which all Muslims who are in prison will be released.” – Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed

It was stated that he was able to have a fruitful discussion with the federal and Addis Ababa police commissioners today.

The working leaders of the Supreme Council of Ethiopian Islamic Affairs, including Sheikh Hussein, the President’s advisors, Ushas Abubaker Ahmed, Ushas Ahmedin Jebel, Ustaz Kamil Shemsu, and other leaders from the Oromia Majlis, including Sheikh Misba, had an effective discussion with Federal Police Commission Commissioner Demelash Gebre Michael.

The Chief and Deputy Commissioners of the Federal Police Commission, Addis Ababa Police Commission Commissioner Getu Argau, and senior leaders of the security forces participated in the discussion.

In the discussion, it was stated that the inhumane and excessive violence measures taken against the Muslim people on two Fridays following the demolition of the mosques in Sheger City are unacceptable and saddened the Muslim people.

It was explained to the security leaders that the violent action taken by the security forces in response to the legitimate demand of the Muslim people who are patriotic and peaceful was not worthy of any standards and was a disaster.

They expressed their concern by raising the fact that they have information about the existence of forces that have tried to advance their own agenda by covering up the legitimate Muslim demand.

At the end of the discussion, it was stated that it was possible to reach an agreement on the manner in which all the Muslims who were imprisoned due to the violent action taken on the two Fridays would be released.

It has been pointed out that a committee has been set up so that the members of the security forces who have resorted to violence outside of the law should be investigated.

The legal questions raised by the Muslim people have been promised to be solved by the government of the Oromia region and until this solution is implemented, the Muslim people have been called upon to do their part by standing by the leading organization Majlisu and by applying the guidelines and solutions given by the institution and by helping them with dua.

The fruitful discussion with the security leadership ended in a consensus and on the following Fridays, more than ever before, the Muslim people have been called upon to strengthen their unity and strengthen their dua to perform only the regular Friday prayers.

In relation to the Masjid Faresa in Sheger City, the question presented by the Muslim community has been resolved, and since protest activities are not necessary for all mosques other than Qunut Dua, a reminder has been sent to the Muslim community to show their usual restraint and return to the Friday prayer only after prostrating.

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